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Home > Projects > July/August (Vacation), 2022

July/August (Vacation), 2022

As part of its continued thrust to better the Chaguanas North Secondary School, the Old Boys association continues to be of service to the faculty and staff.

It’s most recent work is that of the replacement of six (6) of the outdated dusk to dawn lights with LED lighting fixtures.

As a result of the overwhelming contributions from Point Lisas Nitrogen (PLNL), Phoenix Park Gas Processors Ltd (PPGPL) and Nutrien Ltd the Old Boys were able team up with the schools administration and also completed the refurbishment and painting of the security booth and Technical Vocational Block on the east and west ends. The team also under took the cleaning and upgrade of walls throughout the compound.

While Education can be described as the lighting of a fire and not the filling of a pot the Old Boys hope they did their part in trying to make the environment a bit easier for sparking this educational flame at the Chaguanas North Secondary High school.

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